
There are 5 products.

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Ekoplanet, Catuaba bark - Erythroxylum catuaba 100g

Catuaba (Erythroxylum catuaba) is a tree that grows in South America, with characteristic orange flowers and dark yellow fruits. The bark is rich in i.a. alkaloids. This herb is highly appreciated by women and men. Comparative price: SEK 690/kg

Price kr69.00

Ekoplanet Lapacho, Pau d'arco bark 100g

Lapacho, also known as pau d'arco, tahuari or inka tea, is the inner bark of the lapacho tree (Tabebuia impetiginosa). The lapacho tree has a long history of use in South America. Contains lapachol and β-lapacon from the group of naphthoquinones. Used mainly in the form of a decoction (tea) and...

Price kr79.00

Alder buckthorn - Frangula alnus 100 g

Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus) is a shrub or small tree that occurs throughout our country in its natural state, with the exception of the mountain areas where it is rare. Alder buckthorn has interesting properties and contains bitter substances, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, starch, sugars,...

Price kr59.00

Ekoplanet Cat's claw - Uncaria tomentosa 100g

Cat's claw ( Uncaria tomentosa ) - is a plant that grows wild on vines in the Amazon rainforest and elsewhere in South and Central America. It is the inner part of the bark that is used as thread-like pieces or as a fine powder. The herb has been used for thousands of years for its interesting...

Price kr69.00

Ekoplanet Witch hazel bark - Hamamelis virginiana 50g

Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is a small tree or shrub with characteristic intense yellow flowers. Traditionally used by North American Indians as a remedy for wounds and burns. Nowadays witch hazel bark is widely used in cosmetology for body care, skin irritations and redness. Used...

Price kr119.00